Earlier this morning I tweeted something out (and received an quick reaction from an affiliate): Immediately people started emailing me for the details. So, here is the text...
amnavigator.com/blog/2011/09/1...To listen to some people, you’d think marketing were a battle or bloodsport. Think about all the military metaphors we use — identifying a target market, launching a campaign, an...
copyblogger.com/nurture-prospe...This weekend it was a fight that everyone wanted to watch and I went with a couple affiliates to watch the fight at a bar. Honestly, it was a weak fight. It was getting really good...
ianfernando.com/2011/facebook-...Advertisement Lord Acton
dukeo.com/look-at-a-day-when-y...Here’s an actual conversation I had with Brian, which I may have paraphrased and/or written while getting a massage from a clown: Brian: “So, do you want to start writing the Wra...
copyblogger.com/wrap-9-12-11/Advertisement Before we go too far, let’s make sure you have some idea about testimonials. What is a testimonial? Also, why are high quality testimonials so important to your blog...
dukeo.com/blog-testimonials/The IAB Affiliate Marketing Council (IABamc) released an Ethical Merchant Charter for affiliate marketing yesterday. This document promotes transparency between merchants and adver...
tune.com/blog/iab-guidelines-f...According to their website SweetFry.com was created to allow amateur cooks, bakers, chefs, bartenders, wine and beer markers around the World to share, store, and rate recipes in a...
shoemoney.com/2011/09/16/sweet...Advertisement Hugh Hefner, as you likely know, created Playboy magazine and now runs Playboy Enterprises. He’s had a long career – the magazine started in 1953 and is still going,...
dukeo.com/learn-internet-marke...I’m not sure how up-to-date you are on the California Nexus Tax debacle, but this update certainly made me double take. If you’ll remember on June 29th of this year, California pa...
tune.com/blog/amazon-buys-a-ye...Affdaily.com © 2024. All rights reserved