One of our affiliate program management clients has just had a number of chargebacks on transactions referred by one affiliate. They all came from people whose cards were used to b... to me by! you ever noticed how obsessed we are at Copyblogger with wanting to help you get more? Every week we write about how find more readers, convert more sales, make more revenue... is an mini case study about user interaction with my Facebook profile. I thought it would be interesting to see how many of my friends on my personal Facebook profile will wis... Contrary to popular belief, blogging is not all about producing the best content ever. Blogging is also a lot about building a strong relationship with your readers... little over a month ago I blogged about 7 affiliate marketers who were nominated for Small Business Influencers 2011 awards, an initiative by Small Business Trends to highlight t... can talk all you want about what you’ll write Tomorrow, next week, and next year. It matters very little. Tomorrow and next week and next year are not yours to spend. You... Web Services provides companies with an infrastructure platform in the cloud. With AWS you can easily provision computing power, storage, queueing, monitoring, and other ser... Most WordPress Blogs are featuring a Search Box. This can be very useful for your visitors who remember reading a useful article on your blog and want to find it qui... time I buy something I try to do it through an affiliate link (my modest attempt to ensure affiliate marketing does grow to $4 billion by 2014). That is why you’ll often see... © 2024. All rights reserved