Thousands of content creators are getting more targeted search traffic to their sites, their ideas, and their businesses by doing one thing — using our Scribe software. Here’s wh... Jeremy Dean, a British psychologist, and author of popular PsyBlog (self-characterized as the “website about scientific research into how the mind works”), put up a great... all know scrubbing exists. It has to for the whole food chain to work, but do you know how bad it really is? I had an idea, but Besmir (owner of AffExpert) made an epic pos... at your desk, “grinding it out” is so last century. Thing is, that didn’t work real well last century either. Writing content that grips, moves, and sells is not about... July 21, sellers of consumer financial services will be answering to a new sheriff. On that day, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a pet project of President Obam..., one of the co-founders of Affiliate Summit, Missy Ward, started her blog post [CORRECTION: per this comment, that was actually a guest blog post by Shawn Collins] with t... couple weeks ago I was talking with my good friend Aaron Baker, EVP at Atrinsic, about him speaking at ER8. During our discussion he was telling me they were super fired up to ha... I’d like to introduce you to a new method to make money online. This method is generally overlooked by beginners because it seems too complicated. This couldn’t be m... yesterday’s Google Trends I noticed something pretty interesting. Two coupon related keyword phrases were listed as top hot searches. “Printable coupons,” and “extreme couponi... of the most useful lessons I’ve learned about writing engaging content came from studying screenwriting. It’s that every single piece of dialogue or screen direction had to b... © 2024. All rights reserved