A regular reader of my blog has emailed me: I am new to the title of “Affiliate Manager” and I’m having a hard time discerning what classifies an affiliate as a “good” or “bad”...
amnavigator.com/blog/2010/11/1...I am always a fan of utilizing paid traffic to make a viral campaign. In the past I talked about how I used PPV and Twitter to expand my reach. This time I want to talk to you abou...
ianfernando.com/2010/using-fbm...Note From ShoeMoney: This is an outstanding series being written by Justin Goff. Make sure you have read part 1 and part 2 of this series. In the last two posts, I showed yo...
shoemoney.com/2010/11/11/how-t...If you run an affiliate program on Commission Junction you should have noticed a new sub-tab appear in your “CJ Account Manager” a week or two ago — the Flex ID sub-tab: I am...
amnavigator.com/blog/2010/11/1...Click here to download this video for your mobile device. (Right click and hit “Save Link As”) $7.49 .com – Special Offer for ShoeMoney Users
shoemoney.com/2010/11/10/8586/Past couple days I went and visited my buddy Jason Rubacky from Shareasale. I promised I would visit him back in the summer months but I just been so busy I ended up going this pas...
ianfernando.com/2010/chicago-c...There are 2 offers right now that are competing against each other in the 'Facebook customizing' niche. They both allow you to change the background of your Facebook page, somethin...
stmforum.com/blog/2-facebook-c...Write about something you know and love, and you might just have the same success. A lot of people make ebooks, websites, and blogs on niches, but not necessarily niches they...
stmforum.com/blog/how-1-ebook-...Yesterday, C2M announced that they've added 3 new faces to their network. The most interesting of the 3, being a well-known huge media buyer, is Ryan Gray from SuperAffili...
stmforum.com/blog/c2m-adds-som...Quick tip for anyone looking to advertise with Bing/Yahoo this holiday season. They're offering up to $200 in free clicks when you spend a certain amount. From Bing:...
stmforum.com/blog/bingyahoo-re...Affdaily.com © 2024. All rights reserved