Two days ago, I decided to get an account with Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service). I decided to get it because I have videos and audio that I want to start streaming to my landing... family in Russia/Newly Independent States, mine included… And today the world is already celebrating the 65th anniversary of victory over fascism in the World War II. Happy... this week, I was driving down the road with my family and we saw this chicken on the berm. Suddenly, I realized that it was about to cross the road. I had an opportunity to... has been a week since i returned from California. I have been extremely busy on playing catchup. Even though I was working while I was in California, I needed do to things in Je... New Company is one of America’s largest providers of Incorporation and LLC formation services. The make starting a new company as simple, fast and inexpensive as possible, they... drives you to write? To earn some green-backs and keep the wolves from the door? To earn praise? Create a community? Or maybe you’re convinced your story will help some... setting up an affiliate program, each merchant/advertiser gets to a point when they need to decide which creatives to offer affiliates to use for the promotion of the merchant... came across this quote the other day by Einstein Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage... you’re about to launch a new product or service, you need some buzz. Sure, you can use your blog to mention your plans a few times leading up to the launch. You’ll probably... affiliates and merchants should be aware of this contextual adware application which is already acting as an affiliate in multiple affiliate programs. Here’s a screenshot of t... © 2024. All rights reserved