Believe it or not, but not all online merchants offer their customers with a holiday shipping schedule. If this statement does not apply to you, skip right to the very last paragra... is the 3rd time I am doing the Facebook advertising panel at the Affiliate Summit. This session is taking place Monday January 18th and I recommend you get in their early.... often I get emails, facebook messages, and even tweets from people asking how to get started with affiliate marketing. It comes with a good reason too; starting affiliate mark... spent most of 2007 hanging out with Curtis Jackson, better known as Fifty Cent. Together we wrote a bestselling book about hustling, fearlessness, and power. I’d like to share... we were all impressed with the statistics that the Black Friday 2009 brought us, but the Cyber Monday stats that have been circulated today have clearly overshadowed the... at our advertising page you can see all the national press we have been mentioned/interviewed in. But we have never gotten any local love ;). That is until yesterday: weeks question in the Tuesday Morning ShoeMoney Q&A asks What is the difference between Affiliate networks scrubbing and shaving? Great question! If you would... time of year many online users are searching the internet to find the best deals and best discounts. Yesterday was ‘Cyber Monday‘ one of the biggest and busiest time on the in... new Federal Trade Commission disclosure Guides are coming into force tomorrow (December 1, 2009). I have just finished listening to a webinar where Jim Edwards is interviewing... holiday shopping has really picked on the Black Friday (November 27 this year), and continues to grow. The chart on the right shows an increase of affiliate-referred sales with... © 2024. All rights reserved