Yesterday after I wrote about creating effective landing pages for coupons campaigns, a merchant wrote to me: I am working on banners for my affiliate program. Read your article..., I drove t Baltimore, Maryland to meetup with Shawn Collins, Missy Ward, team, and others to join in an Advertising Tax Talk within our industry. It was a crazy 2... get probably 15-25 messages a day for JV or Joint Ventures. I can understand and appreciate the need to joint venture but the pitches are the weakest ever. Here is one I got... seems like everyone is talking about Facebook and MySpace Advertising these days. There are tons of people making lots of money on conversions from these sites, because of the... few months ago I wrote how an affiliate campaign can be killed with a landing page, an unthoughtfully created one, or an altogether nonexistent one (scenario when the homepage of... is another addition to our ongoing series of tutorials and case studies on landing pages that work. Martin Schloss and Cars Helping America wants to see a lot more folks don... other day I talked about HasOffers. HasOffers is a system that helps you create a successful CPA network. Today, I have a result of HasOffers in the making. Tatto Media is a ne... folks, it’s Rebecca Kelley here (formally of SEOmoz and currently the Director of Social Media for 10e20, your friendly neighborhood social media marketing company). About a ye... Odmark has published a post on A Disconnect Between Social Media Marketing and where he talked about posting an earnest product recommendation via Twitter, using... name is Brandon, and I have achieved blogging success: I live with my wife’s parents. Nobody knows who I am. And I am constantly asked, “When are you getting a real job?... © 2024. All rights reserved