I was doing a competitive analysis of vertical-specific affiliate programs for a client, and had to read through some 25 affiliate program descriptions. Here are the 5 common probl...
amnavigator.com/blog/2009/04/3...Wanna be a better writer? Wanna do it quickly and painlessly? Here’s how in 4 steps. 1. Step away from the keyboard. Take a walk, put on some music, even do the dishes, wha...
copyblogger.com/be-a-better-wr...A good friend showed me this site the other day. Its called strip and grow rich. Basically the site teaches strippers on how to make more money. I did not sign up to be a payin...
shoemoney.com/2009/04/29/strip...Last week I blogged about the three R’s of affiliate program management success. Today I would like to list the three P’s that I believe to be pivotal to one’s success as an affili...
amnavigator.com/blog/2009/04/2...Get someone to read every word? Isn’t that impossible these days? It’s not impossible if you put your mind to it. Really. If you want to get visitors to stop what they’re doing...
copyblogger.com/get-copy-read/Remember the old saying “sell benefits, not features” ? No? Basically when you write sales copy for landing pages you will notice a drastic increase in conversions if you state...
shoemoney.com/2009/04/28/selli...Another product launch formula by Ian Fernando. Well tonight I will talk about being the expert and letting everyone know that. Also calling out the buyers as ‘lesser’ than you. It...
ianfernando.com/2009/product-l...A few days ago a friend of mine was terminated from an affiliate program of a Fortune 100 merchant which is run on an affiliate network, and managed by the network itself. I do not...
amnavigator.com/blog/2009/04/2...Attention spans have never been shorter it seems. But what can you do? In order for people to value your content, they’ve got to extract the value that’s there in the first place...
copyblogger.com/focus-words/In 2006 Nextpimp had over 70,000 active paying subscribers at 19.95 every 6 months. Thats just over 3 million dollars for that year alone. Many people would just look at the num...
shoemoney.com/2009/04/27/subsc...Affdaily.com © 2024. All rights reserved