I was talking to the affiliate team over at Rocket Profit about some of the new offers they are running that looked pretty attractive to us. One thing I really like about a compan...
shoemoney.com/2008/01/25/rocke...When I was asked to teach a copywriting class for a special program at Ohio State University, I discovered that teaching writing is far more difficult than the writing itself. Many...
copyblogger.com/power-copywrit...Payperplay is a new advertising company that lets you put javascript on your website and it will play audio ads in which you get paid less than 1 cent (based on users reportings I...
shoemoney.com/2008/01/24/paype...A while back I remember reading about this site that allowed you to game Digg and StumbleUpon called Subvert and Profit. It has been covered on Valleywag, Techcrunch, Search Engi...
shoemoney.com/2008/01/24/subve...Whew, just got out of a seminar, video below. It was 3 hours and it consisted of Real Estate Investing. I liked it I actually, usually I hate these seminars that try to sell you so...
ianfernando.com/2008/rich-dad-...As you know most of my websites are powered by WordPress. I look at WordPress as a content management system and not a blog platform. A lot of readers tend to view WordPress as a b...
ianfernando.com/2008/using-wor...As we get settled into 2008, I’m really looking forward to see how things evolve in the world of blogging. Just in the two years that Copyblogger has been live, things have changed...
copyblogger.com/whats-a-blog/Webmaster Radio Dislike Of Seo PeopleShow: Shoemoney Show People that are looking for a all out disrespectful brawl do not even bother listening. Also the...
shoemoney.com/2008/01/23/seo-d...I frickin love April fools day. Especially online. Its the ultimate link bait day. Everyone is looking for it.. I ALWAYS DO IT and yet people still will fall for it ;). I will...
shoemoney.com/2008/01/23/i-am-...So I have been playing around with a lot of different types of advertising besides Google. I have been playing around with Yahoo! Search Marketing and I have also played around wit...
ianfernando.com/2008/a-rapid-f...Affdaily.com © 2024. All rights reserved