Last week we couldn’t do it cause of Affiliate Summit and this week I just found out like literally an hour ago that I have to fly to NYC on Tuesday w/ dillsmack aka dd aka ddn aka... my head off or not ? – dude made a sculpture of me and has a poll wether or not to chop my head off! ouch! (i voted chop the sucker off! ) I licked ShoeMoneys Head – yes I di... AdCenter sent me this very sexy jersey/shirt. Very nice looking. Speaking of AdCenter I am really digging them lately. They continue to make improvements all the time to... received 2 emails today about 2 new social bookmarking sites. First of all, what is social bookmarking? Social bookmarking is a new trend in search engine optimization, which h...**WARNING THERE IS SOME EXPLICIT LANGUAGE IN THESE VIDEOS*** I have a 5 disc DVD player that was state of the art 7 years ago when I bought it. Now its a bit outdated. Reguardles... have written several post on trackbacking and even did a case study on it. I think trackbacking is a great way to get yourself noticed. Trackback links are another way to increas... we had a desktop tower defense contest before and I think I will switch all future contests to Kongregate. Get signed up now and reserve your name. Right now I am developing... do you leave comments on a blog? Do you do it because you disagree with the authors post? Maybe, because you agree with the post? What about maybe just leaving a thank you rema... is a guest post for Shoemoney and it’s damned good so it should get accepted. Also, my blog sucks, so please don’t check it out. In this post I will share how to recover fro... like I like Matt Mullenweg. He has been a guest on my radio show but now he is leading this huge thing with other wordpress people to ban sponsored links. Ya Matt Cutts applaud... © 2024. All rights reserved