Barry came on and did the money minute with me. He was really rushed for time and I was glad we were able to get everything in. I guess this is how the money minute should be. I do...’s a blogosphere favorite for good reason — “list” content works, in large part due to the attention-grabbing power of the headline. What may be news to some bloggers is that t... first announced on my blogcast yesterday ShoeMoney Media Group INC has ink’d a deal with Matt Hughes to have him do some paid endorsements of some of my websites and also in his... your blog post being retweeted thousands of times on Twitter, and shared all over Facebook. By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll be in a better position to... since last years San Jose SES when MSN Search gave out these T-shirts that were like compressed into a 3″ x 4″ ball I have wanted to find some. I scoured the net and about 1 m... weeks show I thought was really good. I am still learning the ropes a lot with this radio host gig but it sure makes it easy when you have a guest that is so knowledgeable.... of all I want to say thanks to everyone who sent me TONS of great tips for being a new father. I REALLY appriciate it. Now with the baby and everything I have been getting... I forget people actaully read my blog… and well… I vented earlier I think the normal 16 hour a day shoemoney machine mixed with 4 hours of sleep a night with a new baby... afternoon (7/17) I will lock the submission thread for the most helpful blog to make money. I have talked to Shawn from digitalpoint and he is cool with having the voting...’s an epic battle of biblical proportions in the blogosphere. The search engine optimization camp says keywords are the most important aspect of a blog post title. How else w... © 2024. All rights reserved